Aquatic Post-Harvest (Course Details)
The Department of AQPH is headed by a Department Head with 5 faculty members. The department offers major courses in fish biochemistry, fish processing technology and quality assurance, packaging and marketing.
The emphasis of this department is:
Course Description
AQPH 3305 - Post-Harvest Fisheries
Principles, methods and development in the processing of fishery products with emphasis on curing and thermal processing
AQPH 3310 - Fishery Product, Safety and Quality
Methods for quality assessment, packaging and marketing of fish and fishery products
AQPH 3315 - Post-harvest Handling and Low Temperature Preservation
Principles and techniques of handling and refrigeration of processing fish and other fishery products
AQPH 3320 - Fish Processing Plant Management
Principles of plant sanitation and personal hygiene; good manufacturing practice
AAQPH 3325 - Fishery Product Analysis
Understanding the assessment and evaluation of fishery product through methodologies scope for analysis
AQPH 3330 - Minor Fishery Products and By-Product Processing
Understanding the process of formulation and development of minor fishery products and by-product processing
AQPH 3335 - Product Development and Value Addition
Techniques and methods of product development and value addition and the various consideration to attain desirable product outcome
AQPH 3340 - Chemical Evaluation of Water and Aquatic Products
Understanding water composition, water chemistry, the various processes involve and the interaction among water parameters
AQPH 3345 - Food Engineering Applications in Fisheries
Concepts and mechanisms in food engineering of fisheries products
AQPH 3350 - Fisheries Trade and Marketing
Principles and objectives of trade and marketing movement of fisheries in the Philippines and the structure, functions, status and problems of fisheries co-operatives management in relation to resources, production and marketing
AQPH 3355 - Special Topic in Aquatic Post-harvest
Related topic under Post-harvest as a fundamental information for the conduct of research of thesis students
Department Faculty Members

Alvin T. Reyes
Department Head/Professor IV
Janet O. Saturno
Professor III
Rea Mae C. Templonuevo
Assistant Professor III
Jhon Christian P. Suyom
Instructor III
Lara Millen S. Pengson
Instructor I