Aquaculture Course Details
The Department of Aquaculture is headed by a Department Head with 4 faculty members. The department offers 7 major courses on aquaculture, aquaculture engineering, fish genetics, nutrition, aquatic animal health and fish breeding.
The emphasis of the department are:
Course Description
AQUA 2100 - Aquaculture
Principles, methods and developments in the cultivation of commercially important aquatic organisms in fresh, brackish and marine waters to include pertinent fishery and environmental laws and Fisheries Administrative Orders (FAOs); application of farming systems of selected species, project and case studies; and aquaculture planning and development
AQUA 3105 - Aquaculture Engineering
A course designed to orient the students on the proper design of freshwater and brackish water pond farm and other aquaculture facilities. It focuses on the site selection, design, and construction of fishponds and related facilities. It tackles the principles involved in elementary surveying and in the design construction of pond farm and other aquaculture facilities
AQUA 3110 - Fish Genetics and Breeding
Theories and principles of genetics and its application to fisheries
AQUA 3115 - Physiology of Aquatic Organisms
Study of the normal mechanical, physical, and biochemical processes or functions of fish and aquatic organisms or any of its parts
AQUA 3120 - Fish Nutrition
Principles of nutrition, nutrient requirements, feed formulation and preparation, and feeding management applied to finfishes and crustaceans
AQUA 3125 - Fish Health Management
Identification of organisms and other factors causing diseases in commercially important finfishes and invertebrates; principles and measures of prevention and control
AQUA 4130 - Fish Hatchery Management
Fundamentals and techniques of fish breeding and propagation, hatchery and nursery operations of commercially important finfishes and invertebrates
AQUA 4140 - Fisheries Management
Principles and methods of fisheries management
AQUA 1135 - Fisheries Biotechnology
Basic concepts, techniques and understandings in fisheries biotechnology
AQUA 1145 - Ornamental Fish Culture
Background information on the methodologies, techniques and process on the culture of various ornamental fishes
AQUA 1150 - Special Topic in Aquaculture
Related topic under Aquaculture as a fundamental information for the conduct of research of thesis students
FISH 4398 - Seminar
Presentation of researches and related undertakings in the field of fisheries
FISH 3399 - Apprenticeship
Application of theories and principles of fisheries through actual exposure and field practice
FISH 4400 - Special Problem / Thesis
Thesis proposal presentation, conduct and final presentation
Department Faculty Members

Lorenz J. Fajardo
Department Head/Associate Professor V
Emmanuel M. Vera Cruz
College Dean/University Professor
Karl Marx A. Quiazon
Professor VI
Tereso A. Abella
Professor Emeritus
Jemuel S. Doctolero
Assistant Professor III