The College of Fisheries in CLSU showed its unwavering support and dedication as the SEARCA-UC International Summer-Term Program continues. Under Track A: Food Sustainability and Food Security in Freshwater Aquaculture, the topic for today’s session was delivered by Prof. Janet O. Saturno, which is Tilapia Value-adding and Processing.
The talk of Prof. Saturno has pointed out the importance of value-adding in processing of fish such as the creation of safer products, preservation of high-quality characteristics of fish, extension of shelf-life, and enhancement of economic return to the producer or processor.
The informative session was followed by an engaging hands-on experience at the Tilapia Processing Area. The participants also enjoyed their visit to the Agriculture and Food Technology Business Incubator (AFTBI) building as they witnessed the innovative process of making the delightful tilapia ice cream of the Vera Bella Ltd. Co.
This experience was completed as they tasted the Daerry’s tilapia ice cream thru Prof. Dr. Dana G. Vera Cruz. The participants were toured in the Living Fish Museum of the Freshwater Aquaculture Center, that houses a collection of ornamental and freshwater fishes.
The 16 participants of Track A come from prestigious universities such as Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) University, Universitas Gadja Mada (UGM), Maejo University (MJU), Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), Tokyo University of Agriculture (Tokyo NODAI), National Taiwan University (NTU), Visayas State University (VSU), and the University of the Philippines – Los Baños (UPLB).