The College of Fisheries (CF), in collaboration with the Institute for Climate Change and Environmental Management (ICCEM), College of Science, forefronts a seminar entitled, "Agronomy to Gastronomy: Sustainable Producing Farmers and Responsible Eating Consumers" on May 10, 2023, at ICCEM Amphitheater, Central Luzon State University, Science City of Muñoz, Nueva Ecija.

The BSF 4-2 students enrolled in the subject FISH 4398 (Seminar), supervised by Dr. Lorenz J. Fajardo, led the event which aimed to promote the Sustainable Development Goals, specifically SDG 12: Sustainable Consumption and Production, SDG 13: Climate Action, and SDG 14: Life Below Water.

Mr. Clarence Luther S. Bulanadi, the Founder/Senior Executive Director of Youmanitarian International being the Resource Speaker, shared an overview of the challenges being faced by the Philippines' Agricultural and Fisheries sector due to climate change. He also discussed extensively the impacts of food wastage to the environment. Afterwards, he provided various and simple ways on how to be a responsible farmer and consumer to help lessen food wastage and to encourage everyone to live sustainably. To end his lecture, he reiterated that “the problem Climate Change is global, but the solution is local.”

The collaboration between CF, currently headed by its Acting Dean, Dr. Lorenz J. Fajardo, and ICCEM, headed by Dr. Gella Patria L. Abella, with the support of the Acting Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dr. Ravelina R. Velasco, emphasized the importance of promoting environmental awareness to achieve a sustainable future for all.

The program was attended by 138 participants and was hosted by Mr. Aaron Miles P. Eyawa and Ms. Angeline Ortega, both BSF 4-2 students.