To share insights gained from the mobility program and update on the status of her re-entry action plan, Ms. Cherry Ann G. Kindipan, a faculty member of the College of Fisheries (CF), was invited to the Culminating Forum of the Levelling-up Philippine Higher Education Institutions in Agriculture, Fisheries, and Natural Resources (LevelUPHEI AFAR) project of the Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA) on November 15-16, 2023 at the SEARCA Headquarters, College, Los Baños, Laguna.
Ms. Kindipan is among the 30 selected mobility program grantees of the LevelUPHEI AFAR project invited to the forum. As part of the said project, she attended the 2nd International Summer Course on Natural Resources and Environmental Management Science (ISCoNREM 2023) organized by Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) University last September 9-17, 2023 in Bogor, Indonesia. Also in face-to-face attendance to the forum are representatives from the State Universities and Colleges – Association of Colleges of Agriculture in the Philippines, Inc. (SUC-ACAP), including Dr. Cesar V. Ortinero, SEARCA Coordinator and Central Luzon State University representative. Joining online were Atty. Lily Freida M. Milla of the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) and Dr. Buncha Chinnarasi of the Southeast Asian University Consortium for Graduate Education in Agriculture and Natural Resources (UC).
During the culminating forum, discussions also included the journey of Philippine Higher Education to internationalization, best practices in improving external relations and internationalization strategies for Higher Education Institutions (HEIs).
The success of the mobility program is credited to the involved agencies and organizations including UC, SEARCA, SUC-ACAP, Inc., CHED, host universities and respective home universities of the mobility program grantees.